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Grilling Safety Tips

Fire Grill

Commence grilling season! There is nothing like firing up the grill in the summertime. With so many choices of meats, fish and vegetables to throw on the grill, it’s the perfect way to entertain during the summer months. However, with grilling comes responsibility. According to the National Fire Protection Association, outdoor grilling causes an average of 8,900 home fires each year. You can never be too careful near open flames, or raw food. Forty-eight million people get sick from a foodborne illness each year. Before you host your next barbeque or simply grill out for the family, brush up on these grill safety tips.

Preventing fires

1. Position the grill at least ten feet away from the house.

2. Never leave your grill unattended.

3. Keep children and pets away from the grill area.

4. Know how to use a fire extinguisher and keep one close to the grill.

5. Clean your grill regularly.

6. Don’t turn the gas on with the lid on.

Preventing food poisoning

1. Wash hands before, during and after preparing food for grill.

2. Before you start, make sure your grill is clean. Food particles left on the grill contain bacteria.

3. Invest in a meat thermometer to ensure food is cooked properly.

4. After handling raw meat, clean all utensils, spatula and platter plate before transferring fresh-cooked meats.

5. Avoid burn marks on food items.

6. Once cooked, let your meat rest for a few minutes.

Cooking requires attention, including grilling! Keep your family, guests and property safe this summer by practicing safe grilling.